Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Free Write

In high school we were required to write in a journal each day for English class. I remember feeling like I was back in middle school having to drudge out mundane tasks just because the dictator (aka teacher) wanted it. Each day would greet us with a different topic on which to write, ranging from comparing and contrasting novels to opinions on current events. Being older and somewhat wiser now, I can see the benefits behind having us write each day. However, at the time it just sucked. The one highlight was on Friday when we were granted a small taste of freedom in what was called a "Free Write." It's interesting to note that we were still writing and yet we felt like we were given great liberties. It's like having casual Friday at work. You still have to go to work. Wearing a hideously ugly fake-Hawaiian shirt that you paid $9.99 for at WalMart doesn't change that.

At first, on my Free Write days, I wrote about nothing at all. I couldn't scribble, because we still had to turn in whatever we wrote, but I would just come up with nonsense. And then, I began describing different scenes and scenarios with vivid detail and description. Before I knew it, I was continuing with one scene from week to week that soon grew into a short story. I began to like writing. I'm sure my English teacher was reveling inside with her fiendish work to convert me to her literary side, but I didn't care. I was hooked. When summer came, I couldn't stop writing my short story. I had to finish it. This led to other short stories and ideas that grew into potential books.

This blog is to record some of my writings and post a few excerpts from my upcoming novels so that others can read my glorified Free Writes and hopefully provide some feedback, allowing me to improve and even one day get published. If I do, I promise to think of each one of you that commented as I deposit the check into my account. Heck, if you're really good I may even mention you in the Acknowledgements section (which seems to be like an Oscar's acceptance speech gone bad. Some authors get a little carried away as they start thanking everyone from their publisher to their neighbor's dog.)

I will post one entry a week on ... you guessed it ... Friday. So, come with me down the rabbit hole and where no man gone before as I try to use every possible allusion I can think of.

1 comment:

oneworld said...

Sounds like an exciting adventure into your imagination. We're coming along for the ride!! let the journey begin : )